Delicious & Easy Earl Grey Tea Cake Recipe
If you're at a loose end and have some of our Earl Grey Tea leaves to hand give this recipe a go. It's super easy and the perfect cake to enjoy with tea on a lazy Saturday afternoon.
Lismore Earl Grey Tea Cake
-2 large eggs
-250g Castor Sugar
-250 ml Vegetable Oil
-250 ml Natural yoghurt
-3tbsp Lismore Earl Grey tea leaves
-250 g cream flour sieved
-½ tsp baking powder
-1.2 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
-1 heaped tsp of fine sea salt
-1 handful of Poppy seeds
-1tbsp granulated sugar
-1 x tin 9x5inch loaf tin
Preheat the oven to 185c (165 fan)
Oil your loaf tin
Mix the flour, baking powder, bread soda and salt.
Cream the eggs with the castor sugar until pale.
Whisk in the yoghurt, Lismore Earl Grey tea and vanilla.
While whisking, slowly stream in the oil until fully mixed. Add the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly.
Pour the mix into the tin. Sprinkle the top with poppy seeds and granulated sugar.
Pop into the oven & bake until gorgeously cooked, approx 1 hour.